Friday, December 09, 2005

Cast and crew

In an attempt to keep this blog from ever hurting my political career, I'm going to adopt the well used practice of nick-naming the real life people and objects I interact with when referring to them on this blog.

Nicknames so far:

Pants - my fiance whose puritanical upbringing compels her to attach "pants" to all words, lest their immodesty cast us all into hell. (e.g. "That was tasty-pants")

TJ - the cunning ice-bullet assasin with a founding-fathers fetish.

Stromk - The swedish weight lifter / pun spinner. His name is swedish for "swedish for." He gets a real kick out of explaining it to people.

Sprat - my boss

Croquetta - the video game I program. The source of all the delightful "I found a bug" posts that I know you're all waiting to hear.

Alcohol - the "drug" I'm "addicted" to that's destorying my "life"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nice to know my nickname is the same as the fugly liquor store next to Caribou.