Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Musharraf agrees with the protesters. Everyone should just be a muslim. Even moderate muslims think everyone should obey Sharia. If the moderates agree, where is the argument?

Watch all western business pull out of Pakistan. Watch Pakistan regress to 6th century poverty.

CNN Story

Monday, February 13, 2006


Onion's Weekender

I may be out of a job soon.


From Slate

"Of course it is not Western values that are trampling freedom of expression: It is the ayatollah's own values, combined with the threat of violence. The other problem with his little joke about double standards, and with the whole supposedly mordant comparison between denying the Holocaust and portraying the prophet, is that the offended Muslims do not want a world where people are free to do both. They don't even want a world where people are not free to do either, which would at least be consistent. They want a world where you may not portray the Prophet Mohammed (even flatteringly, slaying infidels or whatnot) but you may deny the Holocaust all day long."

Monday, February 06, 2006

My $0.25

The Fed a'int doin' its job, 'cause a single copy over in the chem library now costs a quarter if you want to use cash. I had 4 pages I needed to copy. I had one dollar. I was kinda tired. I copied the page before the first page in the paper I wanted. That is, I photocopied the first page, and then without thinking rotated the book 180 degrees and copied the opposing page. The opposing page was not part of the paper I was trying to copy.

So I walked back to my office where I'd accidentally left my student ID. I returned to the chem library. I swiped my card ($0.14/copy when you use your card). "Retry." I did. "Retry." After 20 more "Retry" messages, I "borrowed" a quarter from one of the students sitting next to the copy machine.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Bear

The A.V. club has an article on animal snuff for kids.

I don't know how to imbed links yet - I'll figure it out - but here's the URL


I misread the title of the article, replacing "snuff" for "smut" - we all know where my mind is, it's not a joke, it just happened, ok?

So I opened the link thinking the first thing I would read about was Disney's "The Bear." I saw it with my grandfather when I young. It's a touching story of a man and his son, I mean a bear and his cub. I can't remember, but I think the mother is killed by a hunter at the beginning of the movie.

At one point, the father discovers a female passing through. He pushes over a tree to show how macho he is, and I think he digs a hole. When they start fucking, the cub wanders off and finds some mushrooms. He eats them, rolls over on his back and starts hallucinating. A butterfly lands on his paw and the cub is mesmerized. Fade to black. Cub wakes up with a hangover.

Chauvinism. Criminal neglegence. Sex. Drugs.

The movie should have made the list of "snuff," though, because daddy bear has a run in with a bullet-splaying hunter. The guy notched the tip of the bullet I think to rip apart on impact. Grizzly. I think daddy bear survives; the rest of the A.V. Club's movies were more grim.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

American Idol

I'm so excited. I'm gonna be on American Idol! I didn't make it to Holywood, no, but they spent a lot of time interviewing me before and after my spectacular (at least I thought so) audition. I looked so good - I spent months preparing for this audition.

My best shiniest hair is in the back of my head, so I grew it out really long. I didn't want the judges to see me as some long-haired hippy, so I kept it short in the front.

I wore my american flag shirt that has 15 american flags on it, one for each of the stripes on the flag.

I flossed my teeth, which I usually dont' bother to do since the gaps between them are big enough to fit the bristles of my toothbrush.

I even lost 5 pounds over the past 6 months, brining me down to 245.

I looked great.

But Simon Cowell can suck my dick. That mother fucker wouldn't know tallent if it donkey punched him.