Saturday, March 11, 2006



So I'm sorry everyone for leaving this blog so neglected for so long. I've been workin' some long hours. About mid January, I scheduled a job interview in Seattle for a post-doc. I was out there from Monday to Wednesday of this past week. I spent the week before that preparing a talk for the job interview. I talked about the flexible gates and the grassa extensions I'd made to Croquetta. It went over really well. I got the job.

That means I'm scheduled to move out to Seattle in August '07. A while from now, yes, but I've got lots of work to do between now and then. Coleman has offered me a job here as a post-doc. I'll stay here and work in his lab for a year after I graduate. I've got my fingers crossed, but I'm hoping for August. While the post-doc with Coleman will definately be a great experience, there was no interview process -- he just offered one day -- and so there was no build up of tension and then a release. So, I guess I feel more excited about landing the position in Seattle, but still, the work I'll be doing with Coleman will be really exciting.

I'm gonna have to make up a whole slew of new nicknames to protect the innocent.

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