Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hard-Fi's Performance Sucked

I want google blog search to find this post and to inform as many would-be concert goers just how bad Hard-Fi is in concert. Blame for yesterday's miserable concert falls squarely on the shoulders of their lead singer. HIs voice was atrocious. He was off key, he air-balled all of the high notes, and he substituted shouting for singing for roughly half of the concert. And despite the quality of his performance, he kept lecturing the croud about how they weren't applauding enough for him. He had no idea how bad he was. It did not occur to him that shouting is no substitute for singing. It did not occur to him that not even trying to stick to the melody was a bad thing. It did not occur to him how disappointed his audience was.

If he reads this, (I doubt he could), he will deny to himself how bad his performance was.

I love their album. They opened with the second track -- Middle Eastern Holliday -- and their singer belted out the first few words, I was in shock. "WTF? Why aren't you singing it right?". I was sad because this was the song I was most looking forward to, and at the time, I thought the singer was going to improve as he warmed up. Since they opened with it, I was not going to get the chance to hear it sung right.

By their third song, I knew there would be no improvement. The rest of the concert was to suck just as much.

Pant's and I have a few thought-bites of the concert.

* It's like they weren't trying
* We just watched a bad Hard-Fi cover band
* Very karaoke
* Mad props to whoever produced their album; they made someone with little tallent sound good.
* Half the audience followed them here from Britain.
* The rest of the band did fine -- didn't matter, the vocals ruined everything.
* Learn to play the harmonica and put down that Wind Piano, you loser.

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