Thursday, January 08, 2009

Open Hostility

The Onion has continued in its post-election cathartic Bush suffering articles yesterday with this gem:

"Single-engine Cessna crashes into Bush

CAMP DAVID, MD—The Federal Aviation Administration said engine failure was to blame for a pilot losing control of a four-seater Cessna aircraft that crashed head-on into President Bush Thursday. According to the FAA report, the nose of the Cessna 350 impacted with the president's face at 110 mph, instantly killing pilot James Morris, 45. Bush reportedly suffered third-degree burns on 95 percent of his body, a broken spine, 20 shattered ribs, one collapsed lung, a basilar skull fracture, and minor leakage of cerebrospinal fluid. Bush, who had been hiking alone in an isolated region of the 125-acre presidential retreat before the accident, was trapped under the burning engine block for 45 minutes before rescue crews reached the crash site. While doctors said they worked swiftly to remove the smoldering wreckage from the president's body, much of the plane's burning debris had already fused to his skeleton before he could be airlifted from the scene. Bush is resting comfortably at Bethesda Naval Hospital."

Since the election, The Onion has been writing journalistic, matter-of-fact articles about a limp, incompetent, lame-duck president to whom terrible terrible things have been happening: Bush: 'Can I Stop Being President Now?'. Bush Frustrated By Mother's Constant Questioning Of His Plans Post-White House. Bush Dragged Behind Presidential Motorcade For 26 Blocks. Bush's Eyelid Accidentally Nailed To Wall. And now Single-engine Cessna crashes into Bush. I can't tell whether its commentary on how impotent Bush has become that terrible things must happen to him in order to merit two inches below the fold, whether its trying to invoke a cathartic response from Americans who really wish Bush would drop dead, or whether its the Onion staff themselves empowered by the light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel of Bush's presidency; it was after all over 4 years ago when they wrote this gem: Nation’s Liberals Suffering From Outrage Fatigue

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