Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Gonzales: I forgot how to tie my shoes

When Gonzales testified before Congress a year ago concerning the firing of 8 prosecutors, he avoided all of their questions with Ronald Reagan like dodges: "I don't recall." Instead of owning up to the decisions he made, he refused to acknowledge that he'd made them... or at least, that's what continued acts of forgetfulness look like to me.

But there was always the possibility that Gonzales was so forgetful that he didn't remember any of the things he had done as Attorney General.

Today, the Post has a story on Gonzales' mishandling of classified information. In the article, it says that the reason Gonzales did not lock up the classified documents in his safe at night was because he

"could not remember the combination,"

That settles it. Gonzales is not an insubordinate hack who refuses congresses constitutionally mandated power of oversight. No. He's just an idiot.

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