Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Blame Game

Now is the time to play the blame game. Not six months from now when Libby's appeal has been rejected and he begins his 2 year sentence. Now.

The White House's continued policy of ignoring the Plame case (or as they put it, of not commenting on an ongoing criminal investigation) is absurd at this, the 25th hour.

Libby was convicted. Bush can no longer hide behind his managed media stance of ignoring the bad stuff.

When Katrina hit, the talking point was that it wasn't yet time for the blame game. He said it over and over. He sent out his deputies and they said it over and over. And then people got bored and turned to other issues.

We must not let Bush off the hook. We must fervently reject the managed media stance this administration has taken. They are accountable and we are entitled to an accounting. If they will not give it to us the first time we request it, then we must ask again and again and again. We must not get bored.

Froomkin hits the nail on the head.

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