Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I just spent the past week reading 50 some papers on croquet (read: the subject of my dissertation). Now I understand things well enough that I can start writing. That sucks, I don't want to write. I've got a paragraph to show for my last hour being at my computer. A paragraph writen, and three dozen web sites read.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


This blog is suffering from serious neglect.

E3 is going on right now; a blogger from the Post is covering it. I was excited to see a link to Fable 2 and followed it to so I could watch the trailer. But I don't have windows media player for Safari. At one point, I downloaded somehing so I could watch .wmv's but it will only show the first half of anything. It pisses me off sooo much. If anyone (Stromk) has a pointer for me on how to view .wmv's with Safari, I would greatly appreciate it.

Damnit. It's a bitching blog.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Pants and I were talking about how the boomers were gonna start retiring soon. That got me thinking: maybe the reason the job market is so tight is that this sea of extremely tallented (read: old) workers have filled all the best-paying positions. If that's true, then when the tide goes out, there should be lots of treasure waiting to be plucked off the coast.

The Post has an article about how Uncle Sam is looking to fill its ranks since over the next decade, the boomers are going to retire.