Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I spent Monday to Wednesday preparing to distribute to my class their final programming project: Tetris. I wrote the game Tuesday afternoon while in Caribou. It went smoothly, but still took me 5 hours. How much longer does it take a novice to write a program than a veteran? 4x? 20x?

I have this growing fear that majority of my class won't be able to step up to the plate in few days remaining of the semester. I didn't sleep last night... kept waking up every half hour and my brain would start racing, kept re-thinking how to best present the assignment.

For the most part, though, they seem motivated and interested in the programming assignments. I kinda like that about a game-based set of programs. Games are fun - playing your own game is rewarding.

If you want to play tetris in Applet form, you should wander over to my real website (assuming you know how to get there). I have the applet posted on the webpage where I posted the assignment.

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