Thursday, December 06, 2007


I've come down with a nasty case of the flu which has incapacitated me since Monday night. I've been staying home mostly so I don't infect everyone else in the lab -- but if I went in to lab, I'd get nothing done there either.

The most-likely suspect for having infected me is, of course, Pants. She came home with something from work, and ended up staying home one day. She was slightly feverish, she tells me, but mostly, it seemed like a cold. When I finally contracted it, I skipped the cold symptoms and went straight for the chills. Fevers, sweats, malaise. It always happens that if she and I catch the same thing, it knocks me out 200% worse than it does her. Most of the time, I catch something and she never catches it from me.

The worst part about being home sick is that I feel totally unproductive. I wake up at night from work dreams and can't fall back asleep.